Management education: How can we develop a generation of business leaders to act for the common good?. Rimanoczy, I. (2013). In: S. Groeschl (Ed.), Uncertainty, Diversity and the Common Good. Surrey, UK: Gower Publishing Limited.
Motivations for social and environmental responsibility. Rimanoczy. I. (2014). In: F. J.Cavico (Ed.), Corporate Social Responsibility and Leadership: Legal, Ethical, and Practical Considerations for the Global Business Leader. Davie, FL: ILEAD Academy LLC.
How to become a Big Bang Being. Rimanoczy, I. (2015) In: O. Laasch and R. N. Conaway (Eds.), Principles for Responsible Management. Cengage Learning.
Principles of Responsible Management: Global Sustainability, Responsibility, and Ethics, 1st Edition. Laasch, O., Conaway, R. N., Rimanoczy, I., (2015). Center for Responsible Management Education and University of Manchester.
A holistic learning approach for responsible management education. Rimanoczy, I.( 2016). In: R. Sunley & J. Leigh (Eds.), Educating for Responsible Management: Putting Theory into Practice (pp. 159-184). Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing.
Developing the sustainability mindset. Rimanoczy, I. In: J. Arevalo, and S. F. Mitchell, (Eds.) (forthcoming 2017) Handbook of Sustainability in Management Education: In Search of a Multidisciplinary, Innovative and Integrated Approach. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA. USA.
Sustainability and the Being Dimension: The heart of the matter. Rimanoczy, I., & Sridaran, K. (2018) In: K. Kassel and I. Rimanoczy (Eds.) Developing a sustainability mindset in management education. Routledge & Taylor.
The sustainability mindset: Connecting being, thinking and doing in management education. Kassel K., Rimanoczy, I. & Mitchell, S. (2018) In: K. Kassel and I. Rimanoczy (Eds.) Developing a sustainability mindset in management education. Routledge & Taylor.
Personal development towards a sustainability mindset. Rimanoczy, I. (2019). In: R. Sharma. Human Resource Management for Organizational Sustainability. Business Expert Press.
Just be there: The inconvenient exercise of being with oneself and doing nothing. Rimanoczy, I. In: E. Ivanova & I. Rimanoczy. Students shifting mindsets. Palgrave Springer – forthcoming 2021.
Millennials as Change Makers Supporting SDGs. Naim Indrajaya, A., & Rimanoczy, I. In: E. Ivanova & I. Rimanoczy. Students shifting mindsets. Palgrave Springer – forthcoming 2021.