Teaching online: pedagogical challenges and opportunities for innovation

WEBINAR (90 min) Dr. Isabel Rimanoczy
To convert our lectures into a virtual format has technical challenges, but also pedagogical ones. The technology is actually easier to master: to learn how to use new platforms, chat, polls, videos and audio. But how to “connect” with the students, beyond the technical dimension? How can we capture their attention, challenge the distractors, excite them, awaken their curiosity, inspire them to learn and act, even awaken their passion for making a difference? We invite you to this interactive Webinar where you will have the opportunity to share the challenges in your particular context with colleagues, reflect and find inspiration and new ideas.
Dr. Isabel Rimanoczy, researcher and educator who has codified the Swedish learning methodology Action Reflection Learning, will lead a session for educators which will offer you a space for dialogue, new perspectives and “learning in action”. This Webinar is designed following the Action Reflection Learning Principles, and based on the book Stop Teaching, which invites educators to apply powerful principles and practices for maximizing student engagement and learning. These principles can be applied in the design and implementation of any learning context and disciplines, enriching both the face-to-face and the online experience.

What Participants Say

  • I took away tools to motivate my students in online classes.
  • Prof. Luz Angela Laverde, Medellin.

    I experienced how virtual interaction can be very participative!

    Many thanks!

    A wonderful opportunity!

  • Prof. Maria Cristina Andes, Bogota.

    Small details and changes in the dynamic make all the difference to catch the attention.

  • Note: If you want to co-organize it with other educational institutions to make the exchange experience richer for all, you can do that.

    Max is 200 people using a platform that allows for 50 break out rooms.